Are You Fit to Commit?

At one point I ran into a site with all kind of tests;

The test, results and explanation(s) are created by Ilona Jerabek with
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4.5 out of 10
less commitment-phobic more commitment-phobic

You like to have your space, but the idea of sharing your life or your things with someone else does not seem to spark an overwhelming feeling of panic. Chances are that you might feel a twinge of claustrophobia when you spend a large amount of time with your girlfriend/boyfriend, and you might feel a little uneasy about settling down. You do not, however, view sharing yourself and your space with someone you care about as the end of your freedom. You may just want to be sure that you have the right person and that it's the right time.


4 out of 10
less commitment-phobic more commitment-phobic

The thought of the future might make you a little queasy, but it probably does not throw you into a state of utter panic. Chances are that you do not initiate conversations that drift toward far-away trips or your future children's names, but you do not feel dizzy when they do occur. Most likely, you are a little skeptical about making long-term plans, but you do not let your hesitance get the best of you or your relationship.


3.5 out of 10
less commitment-phobic more commitment-phobic

Although you try to avoid discussions about "us" to some extent, you do realize that occasionally being vocal about your feelings is very important when you're in a relationship. You are not necessarily scared off by "future talk" or affectionate words, but you do not like to engage in these types of serious discussions too often.



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