First off, here are a few pictures of me.
The 1st is a picture my dad made of
me in the summer of '94 somewhere in the French Alpes. According
to him this is a very characteristic pose for me.
The next one was taken during my visit
in the summer of '96 of some friends (AKA the 'Evil Swiss' :) I
made through email. One of the things we did during this meeting
was visit an old mine, hence the helmet.
In '87 through '88 I lived in The Hague
for a while. As you can see I was really cool back then :)
The 4th is an Artist's impression of me,
made by a streetartist in Paris '88. There is, of course, no real
resemblance with me :)
Hear me speak; 'My name is Anne Krijger'
(WAV 20Kb)
Or hear my voice being 'musically abused'
(WAV 435Kb) as run-up to Rien's
'Voice Project'.
Let's do a '20 questions' to determine what part of my life
you'd be more interested in:
1) Want to see and know more about me, or what I've been up to
lately ?
Go right ahead and take a look at the 'Me-page'.
2) Want ton know who my girlfriend is ?
Her name is Kiki. To see more of her got to the Friends section, directly to her site or visit the site I made for her.
3) Want to know about my family ?
Have a look in the Family-section.
4) Want to know what pets I have ?
A whole series of pictures of my cat can be found on the 'Poochie worship page' :)
5) Interested in who my friends are ?
Well, they're not all on here yet, but there is a start in the Friends-section of this site.
6) Want to know where I live & work ?
I used to live in a small house
in Zaltbommel and work at Finalist in Rotterdam.
But I've moved
in with Kiki and now live in The Hague (or 's Gravenhage or
Den Haag as it's called).
20 ) Want to 'test' me ?
Go to my Test-page and be amazed
On one of my other sites you can find my pride and joy; the Mini.
I also own a (motor)bike; a Yamaha XT
500 that I enjoy playing around with.
Not many Links (yet ?) on this linkpage...